Covington Predicts Masvidal Bout Will Hold A Historic UFC Moment

MMA News

Covington Predicts Masvidal Bout Will Hold A Historic UFC Moment

Colby Covington has a bold prediction for his fight with Jorge Masvidal.

Colby Covington and Jorge Masvidal will be facing off in the main event of the upcoming UFC 272 event this weekend. This non-title fight main event is sure to bring hard-hitting action and drama. Already in the lead-up to this event, Covington and Masvidal have been engaging in trash talk. The history between them makes for an added sense of interest from fans.

Because these two men used to train together, they know each other very well. They don’t like each other and have been promising harm on each other for years. Covington is now predicting not only damage to Masvidsal but the end of his career.

“I see a lot of pain. I’m gonna inflict so much pain on Jorge Masvidal he’s not gonna be the same person ever again,” Covington told TMZ Sports. “He keeps talking about a baptism. It’s not gonna be a baptism. It’s gonna be a funeral. It’s Jorge Masvidal’s career-ending funeral. It’s gonna be violent.”

Masvidal has mentioned that he wouldn’t mind taking some extra shots at Covington. Masvidal’s last three wins were all by KO or TKO, but Covington does not go down easy. He has only been knocked out once in his professional career.

There is a chance that this fight goes the distance, and it seems that would be just fine with Covington. However, Covington predicts that the main event is much more likely to contain a historic conclusion.

“And I’m not gonna finish it quick,” Covington said. “I could easily finish it quick because I do it all the time behind closed doors we used to train. But this one, I’m gonna drag it out, I’m gonna make him suffer, and it’ll probably be the first time in UFC history you see a guy in the main event just verbally tap out and say he can’t take no more of a beating.”

Who do you think will be taking home the win at UFC 272, Colby Covington or Jorge Masvidal?

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