NSFW Pic! Anders Loses Battle With Chainsaw

MMA News

NSFW Pic! Anders Loses Battle With Chainsaw

Photo by Carmen Mandato/Getty Images

Eryk Anders has encountered some of the best fighters Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) has to offer throughout his five-year tenure, but the veteran ran into an opponent he couldn’t defeat on Friday night.

Instead of battling another human being inside of the cage Anders found himself going to war with a chainsaw. It’s not something you see every day, especially from a professional fighter, but Anders lost his battle to the chainsaw and shared some pretty gnarly photos of a badly cut foot.

You can check them out below, but please know some of these images are not for the faint of heart.

“They don’t make left handed chainsaws,” wrote Anders in a caption.

Luckily, it looks like Anders avoided any serious damage to his foot. Aside from some hospital time, a bunch of stitches, and few weeks to heal, the UFC fighter should be back to normal in due time. It could have been much worse, but still a gruesome injury to sustain at any point in life.

Anders, 34, is coming off a disappointing submission loss to surging middleweight contender Andre Muniz at UFC 269 this past December. Before that, Anders captured a decision win over Darren Stewart in a light heavyweight affair at UFC 263. The veteran fighter hasn’t won back-to-back fights since 2019 so after this recent injury heals Anders will be looking to make some noise once again inside of the Octagon.

What about you, fight fans? Ever have a run-in with a chainsaw or another unforgiving power tool?

Let’s hear it!
