F2W 203 | June 18th | Seattle, WA

MMA News

F2W 203 | June 18th | Seattle, WA




Doors: 4:30PM
Fights: 5:00PM


Seattle Center
305 Harrison St, Seattle, WA 98109

Front Row VIP Seat $60

Front Row VIP Table of 10 $600

2nd Row VIP Table Seat $50

2nd Row VIP Table of 10 $500

General Admission $40



500PM Parker James -155 vs Kenneth Khove +100

507PM Anthony Zanders -155 vs Keanu Castanon +100

514PM Bryson Yoro -185 vs Shelton Martinez +130

521PM Ethan Jiwoo Park -185 vs Jordan  Hall +130

528PM Laura Bresemann -130 vs Kateri Higa -130

535PM Kiera Quinata -250 vs Arihanna Isabella Hall  +145

542PM Wes Cooper -130 vs Pono Ilae -130

549PM Cary Purchase -185 vs Ben Brandon +130

556PM Xavier Lee -250 vs Gregory Torrn +145

603PM Alan Badley -155 vs Adam Garcia +100

610PM Morgan Matuizek -155 vs Van Morgen +100

617PM Justin Lozano -250 vs Dan McChesney +145

624PM Jordan  Hall -155 vs Lex Sheffler +100

631PM Julius Zanders -155 vs Eric  Bronson +100

638PM Quenton Alexander Hansen -130 vs Gionn Ryu K Buenavides -130

645PM Jase Macatangay -250 vs Jordan Allen +145

652PM Nicolas Germanos -155 vs Kegan Mulholland +100

659PM Jarrod Butler Jr -185 vs Rai Quinata +130

706PM Nicol  Hansen -130 vs Ginger Jackson -130

713PM Eduardo Gonzalez +130 vs Kenichi Dominguez -185

720PM Gabriel Borisch +160 vs Lowan LeBris -300

727PM Bodhi Smiedala -185 vs Liam Ziegman +130

734PM Davon Johnson -185 vs Tim Lyon +130

741PM Louis Petrich -250 vs Timothy Balajadia Aguigui +145

749PM Reed Wallace -130 vs David Reveles -130

757PM Ben Ellis -185 vs Moses Solis +130

805PM Aaron Neuman +100 vs Carlos Tassone -155

813PM Kado Strom -155 vs Nasheed Abdul hameed +100

821PM Steven Galvez -130 vs Marcel Morgan -130

829PM Dakota Lee Lucero +100 vs Trevor Nielsen -155

837PM Jeff Harmon -185 vs Joe Marchie +130

845PM Jack Ellis -185 vs Jon Taft +130

853PM Brendan Bane -185 vs Lewis Abrahms +130

901PM Jeff Tinklepaugh -250 vs Lee Biga +145

909PM Filipe Matos -250 vs John Lawrence +145

917PM Jacob Boysen -130 vs Matt Mamolen -130

925PM Melvin Revilla -300 vs Matt Hoidal +160

933PM Adam Smith +200 vs Josh Calvo -400

941PM Gustavo Pires -155 vs Kyle Mafnas +100

949PM Joshua Bacallao +130 vs Breno Bittencourt -185

957PM AJ Agazarm -250 vs Shawn Weisenburgh +145


The post F2W 203 | June 18th | Seattle, WA appeared first on Fight 2 Win Promotions | The Biggest Party in Grappling.
