Dana invited me to UFC 281 but I wasn’t sure if I would be able to make it due to my health declining FAST due to stage 4 cancer. I fought like hell, made it, and it was the best day of my life.

Reddit MMA

Dana invited me to UFC 281 but I wasn’t sure if I would be able to make it due to my health declining FAST due to stage 4 cancer. I fought like hell, made it, and it was the best day of my life.

my previous post go deleted by the mods but I got permission to repost it again


So, after UFC Long Island a few months ago, I sent a thank you email to the people who coordinated my amazing day when they hosted me for that event. Check my previous posts for that content if you’d like. Well, they asked if I would like to be a guest to UFC 281 at MSG and of course I anxiously said yes. There was only one problem, my health. For those of you who don’t know, I’m 35 and have stage been fighting stage 4 rectal cancer for 7 years. After UFC Long Island my health began deteriorating QUICKLY. My chemo stopped working and my lungs began to be covered in tumors which caused so many problems. I now had a goal… make it to 281 by any means necessary.

When I say any means necessary its hard to convey how much sickness and pain I’ve gone through in order to put myself in a condition to make it to the event. I have done over 130 chemo sessions, 60 radiation sessions, and more surgeries than I care to count. I also have pain every fucking day, horrendous pain that cripples me daily. Anyway, back to 281. Long story short, I fucking made it.

I had four tickets so I brought my stepdad who is my caretaker, and I also brought my friend and her husband who are big UFC fans.

My tickets were AMAZING. We were sat in the Zuffa section in the fourth row. The celebs in our section included Mike Tyson, Halle Berry, Jared Leto, Nelk, Stevewilldoit, Shaun White, Miles Teller(and his wife), Dave Portnoy and two others from Barstool, Jake Gyllenhall, Lupita from Black Panther, and some other people I didn’t recognize. We all had access to a lounge that we could utilize during the event if we wanted to just hang out, eat some amazing food, and grab some drinks. Everything was complimentary. Once again thank you Dana.

The fights were AMAZING and every single one of them lived up to the hype! I was upset Izzy lost but that’s the way the cookie crumbles I guess.

This ended up being the best day of my life. The whole experience was more than anything I could have ever asked for. Now, unfortunately my health has decreased pretty drastically again and in the two weeks since the event I’ve lost another 15lbs. That makes me down about 80lbs since March, and my breathing sucks now too. If it weren’t for 281 and it’s anticipation, I don’t think I would still be alive honestly.

There was another kid/guy in our section who was terminally ill. He basically had the same thoughts as me as he basically wanted to live until 281 and that was his goal. We both accomplished the task of making it there and having the time of our lives. Unfortunately he passed away a few days after the event which is so damn sad to think about. I wish I had talked to him more but as you can imagine there was a lot going on.

Overall I’d like everyone to realize how much these gestures by Dana mean to people like me. My family wouldn’t have had me around for thanksgiving if it wasn’t for Dana inviting me to 281 and me fighting like hell to still be alive. In a life full of pain and misery, that day overshadowed them all and put a smile on my face the whole time. I have memories that will last a lifetime, and I’m happy my stepdad could spend that time with me compared to our normal time when he has to hear me cry in agony or help me do the most basic stuff. Thank you so much Dana White and the UFC. You make dreams come true, and give us the best entertainment on the planet.

Here’s to the amazing events coming up and all of the people who make these events possible. And to all of the cancer fighters around the world, keep fucking going. FUCK CANCER.

Please everyone, listen to your bodies. If I hadn’t procrastinated I might have a punchers chance in this fight against cancer. With colorectal cancer, if you have blood in your stool, abdominal pain, irregular bowel movements, and the biggest tell of all, THINNING of the the stool, please get checked out at your local GI doctor. If I can get one person from this site to make a doctors appt because something seems off, I will die knowing I made a difference. Thanks for listening!


submitted by /u/iFroodle
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Dana invited me to UFC 281 but I wasn’t sure if I would be able to make it due to my health declining FAST due to stage 4 cancer. I fought like hell, made it, and it was the best day of my life. from MMA