Guy shows Dustin Poirier a sign insulting his wife at Mardi Gras parade, gets what he deserves

MMA News

Guy shows Dustin Poirier a sign insulting his wife at Mardi Gras parade, gets what he deserves

Former UFC interim lightweight champion and all-around good dude Dustin Poirier was the target of a poorly conceived prank by an absolute turd of a human being while his wife and daughter were by his side.

It happened this past weekend during a Mardi Gras parade in Youngsville, La. Poirier was riding on a float with his wife, Jolie, and young daughter, Parker, when some guy walked up to the float to make sure Poirier and his family got a good look at his sign, which read: “HEY DUSTIN, YOUR WIFE’S IN MY DM’S.”

That’s a callback to Conor McGregor’s classless trash talk during the buildup to the trilogy with Poirier in July 2021. Once Poirier saw the sign, he reacted by calling the guy closer so he could slap him.

Here’s video of the incident (via Twitter):

Seriously, how much of a scumbag do you have to be to pull this stunt with Poirier’s wife and kid right there? Did he really expect Poirier to shake his hand and be like, “Good one, bro”?

As far as I’m concerned, Poirier reacted accordingly. It’s just unfortunate that he didn’t get in a clean shot with a closed fist, because that’s what that the dude really deserved.

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Guy shows Dustin Poirier a sign insulting his wife at Mardi Gras parade, gets what he deserves