Sean Strickland single-handedly alienated every female MMA fan with one comment

MMA News

Sean Strickland single-handedly alienated every female MMA fan with one comment

Sean Strickland is always controversial, that’s kind of become his “personality.” 

And while appearing at UFC Vegas 76 media day, he was no different. In a nearly 30-minute long rant about everything from fat girls to Dewy Cooper, to TikTok, one moment stuck out to fans is particularly troublesome. 

It was when Strickland said women should stop working and get back into the kitchen. 

“We need to go back to taking women out of the workforce, and maybe that’s where we f****d up,” he said. “We let women vote, no offense. Think about America prior to women voting. They tried to ban alcohol, I don’t even drink but I’m not trying to ban alcohol. So, what you did, man, you let these women come into the workforce, now we make less money, you got kids raising themselves on TikTok, we need to go back to like 1942, maybe 1958 after we f****d up the Germans. We need to put women back in the kitchen, only one man needs to be working, so as a collective man group we need to elect someone that’s gonna put women back in the kitchen, one man working, raise the wages, and build a f*****g wall.”

And it’s safe to say (most) fans were not happy about his comments. 

“Every Sean Strickland fight week reminds me why I sometimes hate MMA. We get the most brain-dead wrong possible takes every time he picks up a microphone. And sadly this reflects a lot of the fanbase because they eat this s**t up,” someone tweeted.

Another fan tweeted, “Coming from a ‘man’ who gets his kicks off of beating others. Funny, I don’t think the MMA has had a positive effect on society at all. We actually need more men to be in the REAL workforce. Take some more hits to your head, idiot.”

“Honest question….when will @Endeavor step in and handle this? He’s admitted to being a neo-nazi at a point in his life, expressed his interest to kill people, and regularly says super homophobic and misogynistic things. Is this modern MMA now? Did Connor break MMA?” someone else asked. 

@lthomasnewsBut for every negative response, there were also fans that supported Strickland’s views, “i LOVE sean strickland,” someone tweeted.

The debate about Stickland continues. 

He’ll face Abus Magomedov in the main event at UFC Vegas 76 on Saturday.