Video: Anderson Silva gives Chael Sonnen a rose in their faceoff ahead of boxing match in Brazil

MMA News

Video: Anderson Silva gives Chael Sonnen a rose in their faceoff ahead of boxing match in Brazil

The vibe between Anderson Silva and Chael Sonnen is much different this time around than the two times they fought prior.

The two retired MMA stars will duke it out a third time, but not in the cage. Silva and Sonnen will box this Saturday, June 15, in Sao Paulo, Brazil, as the main event of Spaten Fight Night.

Ahead of their bout, the promotion hosted a press conference on Wednesday evening where the two faced off. They were very friendly toward each other, and Silva even brought a rose to his former rival.

You can watch the video of their faceoff below:

Video: Anderson Silva gives Chael Sonnen a rose in their faceoff ahead of boxing match in Brazil