McGregor Worried Stem Cell Treatment Made Broken Toe Worse

MMA News

McGregor Worried Stem Cell Treatment Made Broken Toe Worse

Photo by Chris Unger/Zuffa LLC

McGregor details one of the treatments he had on his broken pinky toe, and how it may have made the toe worse than before.

Conor McGregor is opening up about his toe injury and some of the treatments they used to try and keep him on June 29th’s UFC 303 card.

McGregor was forced off the card last week, and finally he revealed it was due to a broken pinky toe. There was a lot of effort put into keeping the nature of his injury secret, but “The Notorious” can’t even wear a shoe right now. So it was either let the cat out of the bag or hide from the public eye until he was healed.

McGregor chose to show off x-rays of the injury, and on Saturday night he turned up to Bellator Dublin in slippers. He discussed the broken toe with Severe MMA and how a stem cell shot into the injured pinky may have caused more pain than gain.

“This is it. This run is for the parish, you know what I’m saying?” he said about his comeback fight. “So I’m getting this right, and that’s it.”

As for a return date?

“I’m hoping soon as … August. September I’d love,” McGregor said. “You know the way it is. I’m in recovery mode. It’s three weeks to the day, it happened three weeks ago today. I’m still rocking around here in the slippers. They’re not bad slippers, thankfully, and they’re cozy enough. But I can’t get into a shoe.”

“They put stem cells into me,” he revealed. “They took ‘em from my back, they put ‘em in my foot. 20mg of stem cells out of my own back bone marrow, in. Right into the break. There was a little bit left over so I said ‘Yeah, lob it into me shoulder, it feels a little bit sore.’ The shoulder’s actually feeling amazing.”

“Them stem cells are good stuff, I’m reading a bit about them, it’s an eye opener with them stem cells. But my toe is f—ing sore, and I don’t know if the stem cells into the break was the right move. Because now it’s like, you know when the chicks put filler in their face? My baby toe looks like that. I don’t think it’s the swelling any more, it’s the fluid, it’s the stem cells in my toe.”

“So it’s looking like I’m gonna have a swollen toe thing, all the time,” he concluded. “I don’t know. But I’m just recovering man, and that’s it. Day by day.”

With this latest delay, there’s some indication that Michael Chandler may move on to a new opponent. For his part, McGregor said “Iron Mike” was still the target opponent.

“I would hope so, I would say so,” he said. “But again I’m on my journey, I’m on my path. I need to get this right for my team, the fans, we deserve this. And I’m gonna f—ing bring it home, and that’s it.”