Mothman Surfaces In Biloxi!

MMA News

Mothman Surfaces In Biloxi!

Photo credit should read EMMANUEL DUNAND/AFP via Getty Images

Reports of Shobijin sitting cageside remain unconfirmed.

Everyone is a tough guy until a giant mutant insect lands on their face.

That’s why UFC veteran Nah-Shon Burrell was ducking for cover when a light-crazed moth went off script during the CFFC 99 main event last Sat. night (Aug. 14, 2021) in Biloxi, Miss., causing a brief interruption in “The Rock-N-Rolla’s” showdown against Khetag Pliev.

Yes, the same Pliev who lost his finger back in April.

“We’ve got a rather large flying insect that has invaded the Fitz Tunica Casino and Hotel,” cageside commentator John Morgan said during the broadcast. “Fortunately, our referee has ushered the insect out of the fighting surface.”

Burrell, 31, was able to shake off the unexpected fly-by and stop Pliev in the third round, winning his third straight and improving to 18-11 (1 NC).

As for the moth, it settled in nicely on one of the nearby floodlights and was not heard from again.