Dan Lambert Hints At More Fighters Crossing Over To Pro Wrestling

MMA News

Dan Lambert Hints At More Fighters Crossing Over To Pro Wrestling

American Top Team (ATT) owner Dan Lambert hints that more MMA fighters could be crossing over into professional wrestling.

Lambert recently spoke to Sports Illustrated and discussed he and some ATT members’ recent appearances on All Elite Wrestling (AEW) programming. Lambert is a big professional wrestling fan and has become a regular on AEW television for some time now.

However, Lambert understands that some mixed martial arts (MMA) fans dislike professional wrestling and don’t like seeing the two mix. But in Lambert’s view, there are more who either like or respect both.

“There’s a vocal minority of people in MMA who hate pro wrestling, and in pro wrestling who hate MMA fans and wrestlers and fighters included,” Lambert said.

“But I’ve found there’s a lot more who like and respect both. There are a lot more similarities between the businesses than most people realize.”

Lambert has appeared on AEW TV with the likes of Kayla Harrison, Jorge Masvidal, Paige VanZant, and so many other MMA stars.

As for the future of MMA and professional wrestling, Lambert says he expects to see more fighters crossover.

“Lots of fighters have expressed interest in pro wrestling, so I’d expect to see some more crossovers,” Lambert said.

“ATT is in the business of training people to win fights. Nothing more, nothing less. And we plan to keep doing that until we are too old to get ourselves to the gym.”

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Dan Lambert Hints At More Fighters Crossing Over To Pro Wrestling