Celebrate Earth, Wind & Fire Day with MMA fighters singing ‘September’ in this wonderful video

MMA News
Celebrate Earth, Wind & Fire Day with MMA fighters singing ‘September’ in this wonderful video

Do you remember the 21st night of September? We do!

How can you not love “September,” the 1978 feel-good classic from legendary R&B band Earth, Wind & Fire? It’s one of those songs that, once you hear the first note, is sure to get you grooving and singing along.

Which is what we asked a bunch of mixed martial artists past and present to do on this 21st of September in celebration of the unofficial Earth, Wind & Fire Day holiday.

Never a cloudy day when you can get this many MMA fighters singing “September” in one video, which you can watch below.

We hope you enjoy (and sing along)!

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Celebrate Earth, Wind & Fire Day with MMA fighters singing ‘September’ in this wonderful video