r/MMA Reopening and AMA’s This Week

Reddit MMA

r/MMA Reopening and AMA’s This Week

Hi all,

r/MMA has reopened, effectively ending protest against Reddit’s proposed policies at this time.

While not perfect, the lockdown prompted Reddit to make guarantees that they would not make prior to the lockdown regarding core r/MMA functioning.

They’ve guaranteed:

-Our various bots that helps with our fight threads and other internal processes would not be affected, and would be available to proactively help with these, something that was a pipe dream before.

-3rd party moderation tools that r/MMA relies on to function would not be affected

-Forced them to make partnerships to ensure that vision-impaired users on mobile would still be able to use the site

-They have sped up a roadmap for rolling out tools, some of which were promised 8 years ago.

-And further transparency from Reddit moving forward, up front, to prevent things like this from happening again.

It has also effectively shown the hypocrisy and lies from Reddit we have dealt with for years. While doing his recent press “world tour” and implying developers will not work with Reddit and just do not want to pay, it has come out that /u/Spez terminated a revenue sharing agreement that was INITIATED by Reddit Is Fun who was trying to pay Reddit in 2016 and Reddit/Spez appears to have told them to keep the money.

For those who are looking for an alternative to Reddit, we understand, and so https://kbin.social/m/mma will remain up and active in the fediverse for MMA discussion for those looking for that. We will continue to develop that community and those interested in helping can contact the mod team over there.

That being said, we do have some surprises upcoming for this week.

We have not solidified the times, but we will be having at least two (maybe more) AMA’s this week:

Serena DeJesusInvicta FC and 1st Female Autistic Fighter

An Anonymous JudgeWon’t want to miss this one, a licensed US Judge will be on, and can talk about why judging is broken

We are also in talks with:

-Two promoters of MMA orgs

-A couple of r/MMA fan favorites.

Hoping we can close the deal on a couple of these and have them this week as well!

Thanks all, and lets HANG WIT DA BOIS.

submitted by /u/event_threads
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r/MMA Reopening and AMA’s This Week
by u/event_threads in MMA