[MMA FIGHTING] Tom Aspinall on a potential bout between him and Alex Pereira: “If he wants to, I will, but I’m going on record and saying I’m not a bully. I don’t bully smaller guys. But, if the smaller guy wants a scrap, count me in.”

Reddit MMA

[MMA FIGHTING] Tom Aspinall on a potential bout between him and Alex Pereira: “If he wants to, I will, but I’m going on record and saying I’m not a bully. I don’t bully smaller guys. But, if the smaller guy wants a scrap, count me in.”

[MMA FIGHTING] Tom Aspinall on a potential bout between him and Alex Pereira: “If he wants to, I will, but I’m going on record and saying I’m not a bully. I don’t bully smaller guys. But, if the smaller guy wants a scrap, count me in.”
byu/PremLeagueAndy inMMA