Video: KSW 70 fighter Tommy Quinn left screaming on canvas with arm bent sideways after slam

MMA News

Video: KSW 70 fighter Tommy Quinn left screaming on canvas with arm bent sideways after slam

When you’re getting slammed, it’s best to not put down a post-hand – especially when all of your weight is going to come down on top of it.

That’s the mistake Tommy Quinn (9-6) made Saturday against Albert Odzimkowski (12-6) at KSW 70 in Lodz, Poland. A 188-pound catchweight prelim between the two fighters ended in grotesque fashion at the 2:56 mark of Round 1 after Odzimkowski elevated and slammed Quinn to the mat.

When Odzimkowski lifted Quinn, they were in a belly-to-back position. Sensing that what goes up usually comes down, Quinn instinctually stuck his  left arm down to brace his fall. Instead of softening his landing, the maneuver clearly backfired. Through gravity, Odzimkowski drove himself and Quinn’s own weight down on his opponent’s arm.

Immediately, the referee jumped in when Quinn’s arm from the elbow up pointed in a totally wrong direction. Odzimkowski showed remorse afterward, but quickly was ushered away by promotion officials. Meanwhile, audible screams sounded from the downed Quinn.

Check out the gruesome video and some nasty alternate-angle screenshots below … if you dare.

Video: KSW 70 fighter Tommy Quinn left screaming on canvas with arm bent sideways after slam