[Announcement] r/mma is going dark June 12-14

Reddit MMA

[Announcement] r/mma is going dark June 12-14

tl;dr – we’re going dark for 2 days. We hope reddit will change their stance on API pricing and reddit improvements.


r/mma – a place of love and happiness – will go dark on June 12 for 2 days. We’re not ruling out a longer protest. This a part of a larger movement that will affect you across your apps and across reddit. We understand that some of you use new reddit on desktop or only use the official app. To you, all this may sound like much ado about nothing. For others – including visually impaired redditors – this is a huge unwanted shift in how we participate in subs. We fully expect to lose subscribers (understandably). We know that this is a home page for many of you. We make this announcement with extreme disappointment mixed with amazement and anger.

In the meantime, we have opened a sub on kbin.social. Join us over there as it grows. https://kbin.social/m/mma. You can also access our Kbin community via other federated platforms such as Lemmy or Mastodon (i.e. you don’t need an account on Kbin if you have an account on a Lemmy instance).

A couple questions I’ve fielded:

Will reddit admin replace us as mods? They could. We hope not. Our mod team loves this sub and the sport. If reddit has employees that can love r/mma like we do then they should say hi. We’d love to talk.

Does this mean you won’t be able to visit the sub? You will encounter a screen that says we’re closed for business. We know that there are other similar subs to visit but we hope you won’t make a permanent move.

Do we really think this will make a difference? We hope so. The mismanagement of this whole situation is a study in shitty business practices. Check this out for some light-hearted reading. We hope that reddit will change its API policy. We hope that they improve their native tools.

Do we still want to mod with all this bullshit? Yes. I speak for most of the mod team (the active ones) when I say that we want this sport to grow. We love not only being a part of but facilitating its growth.

More information:

If you plan to use a script to delete your comments and replace them with a protest message then please exclude r/mma, r/mmamemes, /r/MMAPoliticsAndCulture and /r/boxingdiscussion. These will be autoremoved and no one will see them. Your act of protest will not be effective.

submitted by /u/buzznights
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[Announcement] r/mma is going dark June 12-14
by u/buzznights in MMA